Devotees Experiences


Jai Sairam,

Please share here your devotee experiences, feedback and testimonials for Sai Bhakti Radio. If you would like to send us your experiences, articles, stories with attachments , pictures, etc. please contact us with your email address and we will be able to get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Sai Sevak

  14 Responses to “Devotees Experiences”

  1. om sairam
    baba comes into everyones life at correct nice to hear

  2. Here’s my frst bhjn

    [Wake me up sai Techno Vol : l : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive] is good,have a look at it!

  3. Baba’s musicisvery peaceull to hear.

    Devotee vasanthi

  4. *** Urgent Song-Request***

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    thank you so much for gifting us with enlightening Bhajans. We have been listening this morning, about 8.00 am, CET, to the wonderful Bhajan *** JAI JAI SAINATH ***. Would you kindly tell us a.s.a.p. Interpreter, CD Album or any other details related to this awesome version of the mentioned Bhajan?

    Your efforts and prompt reply are much appreciated and keep up with the great job you are doing!

    Thank you so, so much!

    Giuditta (Germany)

  5. Excellent to hear the music

  6. still waiting 2 happen but know many

  7. Jai Sairam SaiBhaktas,

    Iam residing here in Kuwait and am a regular listeners of SaiBhakti Radio. My day is incomplete if i dont listen to it, the first thing in the morning i do is put on SaiBhakti Radio. U are doing an awesome and wonderful job by playing lovely Saibhajans, some bhajans are really mesmerising and touches the soul deep inside. I have a request to make can u play some classical type of sai bhajans and if its in Suresh Wadakars voice it would be great, he has a divine voice.the next problem is timings as i am here in Kuwait, from which country is Saibhakti Radio being relayed, so according to the time difference i can listen to it as per ur radio schedule, other wise i am missing out lot of nice programmes and nice bhajans.

    i hope u understand my problem and pls guide me through it.

    May Babas blessings be always with you.

    Jai Sai Ram.

    with regards and respect,
    Mrs Preeti Thakur

  8. Jai Sai RAm
    I absolutely agree with Sharnamitaji
    Every morning after a hectic schedule of tiffins and sending kids to school i rush to log on the radio. I dont have to select anything and lovely bhajans keep flowing. And am refreshed again with new energy for the day.We can keep listening to bhajans doing our daily routine..thats the best part of it. New bhajans everyday and of course aartis.Thanks for such lovely job.May Sai shower his blessings on you always!!
    Jai Sai Ram

    Sai’s name is so powerful. Thanks to my Baba,Jay and his Sai bhakti radio that HIS name is chanted most of the times at our home now. I dont have to choose which bhajan to play.Radio to plays and its like baba is playing for me.
    The energy is so peaceful,..rather Divine!
    Thanking you for your radio.

  10. “I am ever vigilant to help and guide all those who come to me, surrender to me and seek refuge in me.”

    I would like to share the most recent experience on how Baba takes really good care of his devotees. Our state was badly hit by Ice & Freezing rain storm which took down all the power lines, fallen trees everywhere on roof, fence or lawn. We lost the power, heat and hot water by Thursday night and on Friday after lunch we prayed to Baba if we get Power by night we could come back to our own sweet home and went to a friend’s place. When we were at that close friend’s place we heard that couple of other states around us also have been hit badly and it would take days and days to recover the power lines and life to become normal. That evening we came home to take our temple with us and few extra blankets to sleepover at friends place. It was total darkness and using flashlight we collected few blankets & other items and were almost ready to leave. Just before that I turned around and looked at the Big Baba’s picture in foyer area of my home and mentally told to Baba’s photo that stay warm and hopefully see you tomorrow morning and as soon as I opened the eyes saw the power was coming back, lights were flickering and we got the power back. Now just 2 houses from my house all those lanes had no power till Monday morning but a miracle that we got it in like 24 hours. I feel so blessed that his presence is always with us, he is always looking and taking care of us in each and every way.

    • Thank you Bhai Saheb for sharing this thrilling experience!
      Jai Sai Ram!

    • Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience. It gives immense pleasure to hear Saibaba’s devotees experiences and it confirms and enhances the faith within Him, that He is always with us and takes care of us each and every moment.

  11. Jai sai to all..

    Well i would like to share with u all my exp. regarding miracles….I dont
    actually believe in miracles etc…but one exp of mine is such that makes me
    believe in Sai and his miracles…
    My daughter was very ill when she was 1.5yrs.her medication was going on but
    it was all useless. Her fever couldn`t be controlled inspite of evrything.
    Those days my brother was visiting us and he had planned for us to go to
    Shirdi for baba`s darshan. I was a bit reluctant due to my daughters health
    but joined him nevertheless. And to my astonishment as soon as we entered
    Shirdi my daughter who had not reacted to nything from past 3days spoke up.
    And all she said was `mummy we reached to baba` I was overwhelmed by Sai`s
    presence. So i believe Sai is still present in shirdi..and it is rightly

    Shirdis jyaache laagtil paay..taltil tyache sarv apaay`

    • Jai Sai ,

      Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience. I have seen that he has taken care of his devotees across the seven seas and when you are right inside Shirdi everything is like so divine in his presence. Its very interesting to hear that many people who does not believe in miracles , infact does believe in Sai and his leelas.

      May Baba’s blessing be always on us.


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