Mar 242010

 Guru Kripa Anjan Paayo Mere Bhaai

Guru kripa anjan paayo mere bhaai
Raam bina kuch dekhat naahi
Raam bina kuch jaanat naahi

Anthar Raama bahar Raama
Jahaan dekho vahaan sabhi Raama hi Raama

Jaagat Raama sovat Raama
Sapan mein dekhat Raama hi Raama

Kehte kabir anubhava neekha
Jahaan dekho vahaan sabhi Raama hi Raama

  8 Responses to “Guru Kripa Anjan Paayo Mere Bhaai”

  1. Is it Krupa plus Jana or is it Krupa plus Anjan?

  2. Some one in YouTube commented it is composed by Maharashtrian women saint Janardhani. Yet others say it is Kabir and some say Eknath.
    One point is that the composition is not in Marathi.

  3. 11th year naama sangeerthan at vani Mahal.

  4. Tq I could recall d text& meaming. Well done help.

  5. This is not a Kabir bhajan. It is an Eknath bhajan.

  6. गुरुकृपांजन पायो मेरे भाई । राम बिना कुछ मानत नाही ।।

    Oh brother, I have received the lotion of my Guru’s grace. I don’t know about anything except Ram.

    अन्दर रामा बाहर रामा । सपने में देखत सीतारामा ।। 

    Inside, only Ram; outside, only Ram; Wherever I look, I see just Ram, Ram.

    जागत रामा सोवत रामा । जहाँ देखे वहीं पूरन कामा ।। 

    Awake in Ram; in sleep and in dreams, I see only Ram.

    एका जनार्दनी अनुभव नीका । जहाँ देखे वहाँ रामसरीखा ||

    Eknath says: My Guru Janardan Has given me this unique state: Whoever I see, I see as Ram.



    Eknath Maharaj (1548-1600)


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