Ahalyabai (1735-1795) was the ruler of the Indore State. “She was one of the purest and most exemplary rulers that ever existed” according to Sir John Malcolm, a great Maratha historian. She was the daughter of Manakoji Shinde of Aurangabad. She was married to Khanduji, only son of Malhararao Holkar. Malhararao was an assistant chieftain
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The Power of Gayatri Mantra, Sung by various famous singers Updated on March 29th : As requested by our devotee listeners, we provide the translation of the mantra. Please forgive us if there are any mistakes or typo here. Word by word meaning of Gayatri Om – the primeval sound Bhur – the physical world,
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Meerabai was one of the foremost exponents of the bhakti cult and an inspired poetess belonging to the 15th century. She sang in Vrajbhasha or Vrajbhasha mixed with Rajasthani, in praise of Sri Krishna. Meera was born in a princely family of Rajasthan. When she was a child, Raidas, a saint visited her house and
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