Dear Sai Brothers & Sisters,

Its with immense spiritual pleasure and satisfaction, I am writing today this blog on Sakori Ashram of Shree Upasani Maharaj. It’s very difficult to believe that devotees of our beloved Saibaba not knowing about Shree Kaka Upasani Maharaj, but its very common that not many of us know where is Sakori or any pictorial tour available of Shree Upasani Maharaj samadhi temple. After Shree Sai Sharanandji’s samadhi ashram now Baba has inspired me to write about Shree Upasani Maharaj, maybe Baba wants me to know and write about his close devotees who reached the peak of sprituality after being blessed by him. Sakori is only few km from Shirdi and easily accessible by taxi or state transportation.
Thanks to Darshana and Suraj who took these pictures and have sent for the Radio website. Please read what they have to say :-
Jai sai ram
During our recent visit to Shirdi we were just chatting at the hotel reception with the manager and owner of the hotel Sai leela whether we could get any information on baba`s any disciples. In discussion we came to know that there were few followers who were with baba Namely shri Kamubaba , Shri Meherbaba, Shri Upasani maharaj. when we asked their whereabouts we were told that others could be traced at diff places like pune,ahemednagar and mumbai but Shri Upasani maharaj`s ashram was nearby to Shirdi and that we could visit it. I didnt knew much about Upasni Maharaj so we took a chance to visit sakuri where the Upasani Ashram is there.
This ashram is just 4 km from Shridi and is actually very near to Rahata where Baba used to often visit. This Ashram was first run by Upasani maharaj and then after his mahasamadhi was handed over to Shri Godavari mataji who was his disciple. Shri Upasni maharaj stayed for 4 yrs with Saibaba at shirdi for his health cure and with baba`s blessings attained self-realisation..It is said that he was the only one whom baba blessed as his disciple.
He later stayed at sakori on baba`s direction. Here he made small kanyas (bhramcharinis) as his disciples out of whom shri Godavri mataji became his succesor. Many small girls learned vedas and performed yajnas over here at sakori. Today also there are these ladies staying here and learning and performing vedic activites and yajnas.
The main mandir is known as the Zopadi where lies the samadhi of Shri Upasni baba and Godavari mataji and also the samdhi of Upasani baba`s mother. It has a big place with havankund which was started by Shri Sai baba himself where today also 7 times a yr at main hindu festivals yajnyas are performed.
There is Shri kanyakumari`s mandir in the ashram and also the Amraveli where Shree Upasani baba himself used to stay when in sakori. There is also a tree on which `vishcha` Ganesh is there.The idol of ganesh which has appeared by itself is believed t fulfill all desires..people come here to wish for their desires and then when it is fulfilled back and offer Coconut as gratitude.
In the ashram there is place for the bhramcharinis to stay.
In Sakori i felt that the peace of life is still intact…I wonder Baba must be coming and living here. There is no hush-rush of life… total peace.. there are some photos which we attach with this which we got by special permission from the security..
There is more information in this pictures about shri upasani maharaj..
Jai sai ram
Click on any thumbnail below to see a slideshow of all the pictures in full size.
Some resources for persuing further reading :-
DVD available on Shree Upasani Maharaj :- (you can preview it on youtube )
A good short article on Shree Upasani Maharaj :-
Some very nice old and rare black and white pictures :-
Bow to Sri Sai – Peace be to all !
Do you have phone numbers of this Sakuri Ashram.
Last week we went, but forgotten to take the contact number of this office for further communication.
If you have pls share on or 9820443464
Bow to Shriji Sai Baba of Shirdi
Bow to Avatar Meher Baba of Meherabad, Ahmednagar,
Bow to Shriji Upasni Maharaj of Sakori, Bow to Poojya Godavari Mataji of Sakori
Bow to Shriji Kamu Baba of Goregaon, Bow to Poojya Maiji Amina Mataji of Goregaon.
Bow to Poojya Maha Avataraji Babaji
Bow to Shri Shri Swamiji Guruji Maharajji Lahiri Mahasayaji
Bow to Shri Shri Swamiji Guruji Maharajji Yukeshwarji Giriji
Bow to Shri Shri Swamiji Shri Parmahansa YogaNandaji
My Beloved Masters, I bow before you O Great Ones and seek your Blessings, Guidance and Protection.