Jan 062009

Dear Sai Brothers & Sisters,

Recently , at many times our beloved Sai put into my thoughts and in my hands about readings on Swami Sri Sai Sharan Anand ji. I am still in process of figuring out , what is the message from my beloved Sai about this but since then lots of things happened and thought I would share this with you all.

Now when all this was happening , just couple of weeks before Christmas vacation I was talking to my sister who lives in Mumbai, India. She told me that she might visit Baroda & Ahmedabad during Christmas vacation. And I immediately asked her to check out the temple in Ahmedabad where they have Baba’s sleeping murti, and the resources for information would be Sri Sai Sharan Anandji Ashram. She asked me where it is , and I had no information about it so told her to ask cousins and relatives from Ahmedabad if they know of any such places. The only information we had was Sai Sharan Anandji had moved to Ahmedabad in later days and so there should be some information there. Also asked her if its not too much of a drive, to check Sai Dham Sola mandir (the links are on our radio website)

Now just a day before Christmas , I came across an archive copy of Sri Sai Leela – Vol 50 , December 1971 which had a nice write up on Sai Sharan Anand ji and Sri Sainath Swadhayaya Mandal in Ahmedabad. Later our beloved Sai put this book Sai Baba of Shirdi: A Unique Saint (Paperback) in front of me , and the very page I opened was page number 311 , which had information on Swami Sai Sharan Anandji samadhi address. Now I was born in Ahmedabad and must have visited Ahmedabad more than 20 times after being an adult , still I had no detailed information about this. While I was noting down this address ,was thinking how will I pass it on to her , as she was already somewhere in travel maybe in Baroda or Ahmedabad and Lo… tring tring… my phone rings. I was so surprised to find out that it was my sister on the other line and she had visited one temple where she found Baba’s sleeping murti. She had shared her experienced on how she ended up visiting that temple was all because of Baba’s blessing. During this conversation , I asked her to write down this address :-

14/15 Prakritkunj Society
New Sharad Mandir Road,
Opposite Shreyas High School
Ahmedabad, 380-015

And mentioned if she could visit there , and find out some more information as Baba wants me to pursue in this area. Next day she was able to find the place and this is what she wrote to me when sending pictures :-

jai sai ram

Now for how did we reach this place…..This is in amdavad near Shreyas School at the address you gave me!! We left early morning at around seven to search for it..suraj and myself..and we asked people for instruction…infact it is interesting tht after reaching shreyas school we still dint find the place..Then one lady was talking to her husband of saibaba on the main rd…We approached her and with a big smile she greeted us and said yaa i will surely show u the place..With her help we reached there..The person in charge cudnt give much information but we have got lots of books of sharanadandji from him…in fact we got the gujarati version of saisatcharitra in original form frm him..

It is a very Quite Place inspite of so many devotees..and very disciplined without any pujari or nyone…people just come and go on their own take tirth and prasad on their own.
Its actually a house and outside is the samadhi of shri saisharananandji…. and on the left hand attached but with seperate door is the room of swamiji..where his cot is kept..and other things he used like chair etc…there is a photo of footprints but am not sure wether its of swamiji or saibaba!! mostly its of sai!!but its only a guess!!…..Very quite place full of baba`s presence..if u want to offer prasad u have to give to the person present there…i dnt know abt the fact of prasad and darshan as u have mention…sry but i have just this much information!!
They have aarti`s four times a day..and while aarti is on no prasad or darshan is allowed.But they do such lovely seva of baba…like this is the only place where i saw shawl on baba compared to other three temples which i saw!!
There is one more such int lady who actually can converse with baba…even today…have brought her details and photos of her temple also..but will take some time as we are still settling and schools are on..so a bit busy
tell daddy we will get in touch with him soon…miss u all
Jai sai ram

She also sent me lots of pictures , I am attaching some of them here. If you happen to read this and might have understood this Leela’s of  Baba, please share it with me. I am very thankful to Baba for guiding us in finding this Samadhi temple , which we had no clue about it just couple of weeks before. Now when I visit Ahmedabad next time , I will sure visit this temple.

For more information or to make donations, please contact the temple authority directly at :-

Ushaben Bhatt
Sheryas Tekra, Bhuderpura Road, Near Shreyas High School
Phone : 91-79-26630118

Click on any thumbnail below to see a slideshow of all the pictures in full size.

aaa aaa aaa aaa
aaa aaa aaa aaa
aaa aaa

Bow to Sri Sai – Peace be to all !


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  10 Responses to “Swami Sai Sharan Anand Ji’s Samadhi Temple”

  1. SaiRam

  2. 14/15 Prakritkunj Society
    New Sharad Mandir Road,( manek baug road)
    Opposite Shreyas High School
    Ahmedabad, 380-015

  3. Dear Guru Bandhu, Generally wherever I go, I enquire about Sai temple as I am habituated to visit a temple, especially Sai Mandir for the past 45 years or so. So when I visited my daughter at Ahmedabad, I started going to Sai Temple near Vastrapur police station ( Doordarshan kendra metro station) Suddenly am reminded of the great devotee Sri Sai Sharanandji, I knew he was from Gujarat. Sitting in the premises I opened Google and typed Sai Sharananad. I got this page. The very next day I planned to visit the place but I couldn’t, it being our Thursday. So on Friday I took an auto rickshaw and told him to take me to Shreyas School, Sharada Mandir Road. That guy took me to some other place and I was losing patience( Lack of Shraddha n Saburi) I stopped the auto and enquired of the school. WhenI was nearing the school, I enquired about the same with a morning walker and showed the address, which you posted. As he has undergone cataract op. he was not able to read. Then I mentioned Sri Sai Sharanandji’s name. Oh! You should have told me that and directed me to the abode. As the gate was bolted from both outside and inside I approached a woman opposite to the Mandir but she was reluctant to talk. I waited for a couple of minutes and then opened the gate, went inside and sat in a corned ENJOYING the bliss. Serene atmosphere, peace and silence. Little later a devotee aged about 65/68 did Baba’s aarathi. Spent very qualitative time, enjoying the spiritual bliss for an hour or so.
    Let me thank my Guru Bandhu who posted the address and their experience. SAIRAM.


  5. Dear SAI Bakth,
    The info that you have shared is very valuable.Your effort to spread the leelas of THE ALMIGHTY LORD SHIRIDI SAI BABA, is very very appreciable.
    Sai Bakth

  6. Hello
    I must say this is really a great spritual experience for Sai devotee
    It would be great if we can have some spritual talks (Baba mahima life incident ) added on thisi radio

    Sai Bhakt

    • Jai Sairam Praveenbhai,

      Finally you made it to the website. Thanks very much for your inspiring and motivational suggestions. If you help me we can sure implement a lot of the features you have suggested so far , but as you know right now I am all alone and with work , family its very little time I get to work on the website.

      To all listeners and website visitors , this is our own radio (of all devotees of Saibaba) and so please come forward and help it grow. I very much like and always list down all the request that I get from comments or emails. Will sure keep adding them as time permits.

      I truely feel blessed that Baba has given me friends and listeners like you.

      • OM SAI RAM, Im a MALAYSIAN who got married with an Indian from SHIRDI and settling down here in SHIRDI. Im very much disturbed mentally and some sort of power /enargy is asking me to show the identity of RADHAKRISHNAMAI . DO you have any informations and also IMAGES of her as Swami Sharan Anand Ji used to saty with her more frequently. Please reply me back sir.

        • Dear Mrs Sai Paruvathy Krishnan Iyer:

          In the last several years, Ramananda Maharshi from Vizag had done lot of research on Radhakrishna aayi, her life, her sadhana and her seva to Baba. He mentioned he met a disciple of Swami Sharan Anand from whom he gathered lot of information. He also got lot of information from the books written by Sharan anand ji. He wrote a 623 pages book on Radha Krishna aayi. This book (currently available only in telugu) was released in Shirdi last month on Nov 18th which happened to be Radha krishna Aayi samadhi day. He found this date through the govt records. send me your mail, I can share some pictures from the event with you.
          My name is chandra leela my email: cvelpula@yahoo.com

          Jai Sai Ram!!

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